Honest Review of Elixir of Eros by Mark Wright
- Implementation - 71%71
- Effectiveness - 88%88
- Value for Money - 92%92
All in all, It's a whole lot better than most of the other dating guides out at the moment. This program is very thorough, logical and factual. It talks to the no bulls&^t, no fluff kind of reader. If you're a guy out there who is new to the 'pick up' scene, is having confidence issues, wants to improve your dating life or just wants to get better at talking to women in general, I would highly suggest this program. Especially if you're looking for a more natural, less 'pick-upy' kind of program. The Elixir of Eros program is a great way to get started and get a leg up in your dating life.
The Elixir of Eros is a program dedicated to helping men learn secrets that will make the girls they want chase and obsess over you. This program was created by a man named Mike Wright. Wright has written the Elixir of Eros program himself after years as a dating coach, culminating in a 252-page PDF book, as well as several videos devoted to teaching men how to get their dream girl. There are many systems out there that claim they’ll help you get any girl you want, so today, in this Elixir of Eros review we’re going to find out what all the hype is about, and see why this program is purportedly so different to other dating programs out there. I’ll also give insight into the 9 free PDF eBooks’ that come with the program. It’s a lot of talk in its marketing material, and so in this review we’re going to see if this program can back up its claims.
About the Company: Enrich Marketing
Elixir or Eros is marketing by Enrich Marketing, who have seen a string of hit releases in the men’s dating niche and have been involved in some of the biggest product launches in the industry. This is good to know, as they are a reputable company with direct contact details available on their website. Should anything go wrong with your order, its possible to contact Enrich Marketing through several different channels, sometimes even getting replies from Mark Wright himself. The company website can be found at http://www.enrichmarketing.com. There is a Contact tab on there, but they can be contacted directly on accounts@enrichmarketing.com should need be. In summation, reputable company, run by reputable industry veterans.
About the Author: Mike Wright
Not many people had ever heard of Mike Wright before this program gained popularity, so it’s understandable if you’re a little skeptical.
After doing a little research into who he is, I’ve found that he’s a very smart guy with an impressive academic history who has a lot of insight into how to handle relationships and women. He’s studied a lot of fan fiction, such as 50 Shades of Grey, and has an extensive amount of dating experience since he started as a junior coach in the industry 8 years ago. He has an incredibly positive and healthy attitude when it comes to women, and most importantly he respects them. You won’t find any of that sleazy ‘pick-up coachy’ stuff here. He’s a very relatable guy, and what is nice to know is that even though he is a dating guru, there is nothing that inherently gives him any extraordinary advantage over you. He was a regular guy once just like you who has transformed his abilities incredibly through practice.
Who Was This Program Made For
This program is tailor made for any guy who wants to increase his success with women generally, but specifically for those looking for longer term relationships and engagements. This program is meant to help you build up your confidence, because having lack of confidence is an extreme turn-off to girls. Most programs like this are really immature, and best case will land you with a one night stand. This guide is more geared towards helping you build lasting relationships with woman, and teaching you how to become irresistible to women, so they’ll actually pursue you. The idea behind this is called “chase triggers”, but we’ll get to that in a moment. This guide is set up in a logical way so that it can explain how things work in terms of female psychology.
My Experience with Elixir of Eros

– Me, last year on my Euro Trip
When men approach a new girl, there will always be those moments when you don’t know if you will say or do the right thing to impress her. You want to capture her attention and make her attracted to you from the second you approach her. Well there is always a problem… Do you say the right thing to a woman? Have you captured her attention to bring her home with you that night for a drink or maybe more? Most men have struggled their whole life in trying to figure out the right words to get a women’s attention. Sometimes one slip up will cause a woman to quit and walk away, leaving you with a bright red face, all alone and embarrassed. The Elixir of Eros is a seduction program that helps teach men how to get any women to chase after them. Mike Wright developed this program to help any man build up his confidence in getting that Ms. Right attached and addicted to him from the first night. He offers easy methods in a system that is broken down into 5 different phases.
- Curiosity – The first key
- Infatuation – The Second Key
- Connection – The Golden Key
- Desire – The Key to Her Heart
- Devotion – The final, lasting Key.
Each of these phases shows you several different chase triggers to grab a women’s attention towards you. This program is different from others and more effective because the triggers are connected to different part of a woman’s psychological make-up and should work on almost any women. In my opinion, this sounded too good to be true. Well I was wrong, this program helped boost my confidence and get any women I want.
I was never a popular guy, I was always slightly overweight, no muscles and didn’t have very much going for me. I grew up in a small town, with a simple life. No rich family and not a lot of friends. School was easy, but everyone laughed at me for being a nerd and shy. I grew up, graduated from college with a degree in computer science and still had no special women in my life. I had the job of my dreams, but never the women I had always imagined for myself. I have met several women who I wish I had the confidence to talk to when I went out to drink with my best friend. He always got the girl. Every girl he would talk to, she was instantly attached to him. What did he have that I didn’t? I was respectful and calm, somewhat shy, but it passed as the night would go on. No one would give me a chance. I asked my friend for some tips, but all he had for me was that it comes natural to him.
I went through several guides and books on how to get women to notice you. I tried different methods, but none of them seemed to work for me. That is, until I found the Elixir of Eros. The thought of chase triggers didn’t feel right to me, but I tried it anyway because I had nothing to lose. I just wanted to get laid and have some fun during my late 20’s.
I read the book and took some notes on the five separate phases. I took it slow trying different chase triggers towards women every weekend when my friend and I went out for drinks. The first few tries, nothing seemed to work for me. Then I thought to myself, maybe I am not doing this correctly or maybe I am just too shy and women notice that sort of vibe. The third week my friend and I went to a new bar into a city close by to where we lived. There was this beautiful woman sitting on the other side of the room with her friend, laughing and having some drinks. I sat there building up the confidence to just go over and say hi. I had my entire game plan planned before I decided to walk over. Since in the book, Mike always pointed out the women’s need of naturally-occurring sexual energy, I built up the confidence and did just that. She was hooked. Oh, man. Her eyes were glowing and completely ignored her friend. We held a conversation so long we lost track of time. I invited her back at my place and she stayed a few nights in a row with me. I am now 32 years old with the same women and have never regretted a minute since I met her.
There are many positives of the Elixir of Eros. One positive is that it works. I have tried tons of other quick guides and easy ways to pull as girl, but nothing worked. Taking your time to learn and read this book, will guarantee a girl after some practice. Another positive is that it helps you set a game plan before and after you meet her. You can also take all his tips till after you meet a special woman and
helps you keep her attached and addicted to you. That is something I never found with any program I have tried. Lastly, you don’t have to feel ashamed to use his steps. This is a very natural process and doesn’t make you feel fake when you are with a woman. It lets you behave natural, but gives you a greater understanding of women. It shows a very respectful, but not shy way to approach and hold a conversation with that women you have your eye on at the bar. The book and recording are well worth taking the time to sit and focus on how to improve yourself as a man and take your time understanding how a woman works and what sexual feelings she has.
What Are Chase Triggers?
The marketing material speaks allot about certain Chase Triggers that are explained in this program. If you’re like many other people you’re probably wanting to jump to the end and find out exactly what are these chase triggers and how can you use them. ‘Chase Triggers’ as they are known are specific tricks that literally make women chase you, or so its claimed. They are specific actions and phrase to use in dating that turn the dynamics of the engagement around so that women pursue you. They’re called Chase Triggers because they make women ‘chase’ you, instead of the other way around. There are 5 phases as explained above namely; Curiosity, Infatuation, Connection, Desire, Devotion. Each phase has Chase Triggers that are only relevant and useful to that stage of seduction. Unfortunately it would do the program a disservice to reveal these chase triggers out of context of their specific phase, as they would essentially be useless. So if you’re still asking what are chase triggers, know that you’re essentially asking the wrong question. What you need to know is how can I develop my skills in each phase to the point where these chase triggers will fit naturally into my dating vocabulary.
Chapter by Chapter Breakdown
Please note these chapter descriptions are taken directly from the program, and do not represent my views or opinions. Thats probably why they sound so cheesy.
Chapter 1 – introduction
you’ll learn the quick and easy way to master the elixir of eros. You’ll discover insider tips and short cuts that will turbo charge your results so you can get the girl ou’ve been dreaming of… without stress or hard work.
Chapter 2 – On Female Desire
The reason a lot of guys get so frustrated with the dating game is because they don’t understand how female love and desire really works. In this chapter he exposes the vicious lies the media feeds guys about female attraction, and reveal how to really turn a woman on.
Chapter 3 – Attraction Triggers
He’s condensed years of research on female psychology and arousal into this jam packed video. You’ll learn the traits that women are scientifically proven to fall for, and how to apply them to make the girl you like addicted to you.
Chapter 4 – Confidence
Confidence is the most powerful female attraction trigger… if you can master it you’ll instantly stand out from 95% of the other guys in the dating game. In this video he’ll show you the simple system for gaining the rock solid confidence… without months of sweat and hard work.
Chapter 5 – The 5 Pillars
The Elixir of Eros is designed to make women chase you… in this chapter he’ll show you the 5 pillars are the quickest and easiest ways to make a girl you like chase you to the bedroom. And if you want… beg for a relationship.
Chapter 6 – The Elixir Of Eros
The Time Has finally come to reveal the core Elixir of Eros system! In this video you’ll learn the 5 phases of the system and the proven way to use them to make the girl you like put the moves on you
Chapter 7 – Phase 1: Curiosity
To have a shot with a woman you first need to be on her radar. In this chapter he’ll show you how to make a stunning first impression, and get her dying to know you more personally.
Chapter 8 – Phase 2: Infatuation
Once you’ve got her interest, you need to plant the seeds of obsession and infatuation in her mind. In this chapter you’ll learn how to get her to see you as a top choice to sleep with and date.
Chapter 9 – Phase 3: Connection
Now that you’ve created the gap, you need to start building a connection. In this session you’ll learn how to relate and build a connection. You’ll learn his tricks and tips that will get her saying “wow this guy really gets me”.
Chapter 10 – Phase 4: Arousal
Arousal always comes before love. If you can’t turn her on… she won’t fall for you. In this module he’ll show you the easy “creep proof” way for making a girl want to sleep with you. She’ll be addicted to your bed by the time you’re through.
Chapter 11 – Phase 5: Devotion
Warning… only move ahead to this phase when you think you’ve found “the one” because when you use the techniques in this chapter you are practically guaranteed to make the girl you like devoted to you and only you.
Chapter 12 – Conclusion
To cap things off, he’ll offer some parting words about how to best apply the system, and the easy way to use it to get more beautiful women in your life.
Pros of The Elixir of Eros Program
- Elixir of Eros comes with 10 bonus programs that basically covers all aspects of dating and pick up, so this is bit of an ‘everything’ program, and it covers all the bases. Nice for a new guy who wants to have reference to loads of different things.
- This program comes very complete. There is so much information in it, you won’t be left with questions. It covers everything from initial contact with a woman, to building a long-term relationship with her.
- It’s not incredibly boring. Mike spices things up with stories of his experiences, most of which happen to be funny. This way it’s not just blocks of endless information. There’s breathers for you to relax and laugh. It’s easier to get through the information with his stories because he makes it more fun to read.
- It’s not manipulative. This guide gives men a very healthy attitude towards women. It’s not about using stupid lines or trying to act like somebody else. This program has the intention of helping guys get into relationships that end up being good experiences for both parties. It’s all a very natural process.
- Helps you gain confidence. This program will give you knowledge about sexual tension that women feel, and the qualities that they want you to have. This will allow you to bring a lot of extra confidence. You can go into each conversation with a woman with a greater knowledge of how they think, and what they want. This can definitely help you keep a confident mindset throughout each conversation.
Cons of The Program
- More geared to guys looking for a girlfriend, rather than a traditional ‘lay guide’.
- Not the cheapest product on the market, though I would venture to say that its price pretty much matches its value.
- Quite lengthy, could be structured a bit better to cross reference ideas easier.
Included Bonus Products:
- The Pursuit Institute – Advanced weekly coaching sessions on how to attract any woman, even if she’s not your type. Covers everything you need to know about approaching and dating women, on a weekly basis. Sections on situational openers, natural openers, stance, vibe and more. Covers many different situations and outlines the ’10 golden rules of the approach’. Personalised approach as this coaching takes you on a week by week journey. These coaching sessions are values at $25 per week.
- Friend Zone to Sex Zone – Teaches you how to build your masculine core and claw your way out of the friend zone. Though its not easy to implement the content in this advice, I’ve read several reviews of men using the advice in this bonus to help them finally get their ‘oneitis’ to see them sexually, eventually managing to shift their relationship from friendship to more than friends.
- X-Ray Vision – As close to X-Ray vision as you’ll ever get – This program promises to teach you how to see through social interactions to understand the social dynamics and use them to your advantage. Its a cheat sheet to how to maintain social value in any situation.
- Facebook Seduction – As the name would suggest, this program gives you openers, conversation hacks and general online game strategy, with a focus on picking up women using Facebook. This is the digital age after all.
- Only You – Only You takes in in-depth look at relationships and how to build healthy, meaningful relationships with women. Only you is geared for the guy thats looking to settle down, and wants to know how to build relationships with rock solid foundations.
- The Online Attraction Formula – This bonus is a more generalised look at online dating and includes website specific sections on Match.com and HelloCupid. The information contained within is obviously applicable to any online dating situation. Includes information on what to include in your dating profile, strategies when talking to matches, and great openers to use.
- Speaking Womanese – This guide is intended to give insight into female psychology and the drives specific to the gender. It helps men understand what women are really saying when they speak. This is a great manual on helping men look past the drama.
- Tinder Secrets – Another semi-online dating guide, Tinder Secrets gives men insight into Tinder strategy, including what to put in your profile, openers to use, and how to transition to asking for the number and dates.
- The Hookup Handbook – The Hookup Handbook lays out casual dating strategies for the 21st century man. With hookup culture so prominent, The Hookup Handbook shows men how to take advantage of this hookup culture, and the scene that people are looking only for casual dating. Sections on how not to get over-invested, how to structure and keep things casual.
- Text Game Mastery – Text Game Mastery is a symposium on text and phone game, including how to get a girls number, what to text her at first, and how to flirt through text. Texting is one of the strongest mediums in the dating and seduction scene at the moment, and this little guide is gold ind delivering the sort of value men are looking for when it comes to a texting guide.
All in all, I’d say it’s a lot better than most of the other guides, programs, or systems out there. This program is very thorough, logical and factual. If you’re a guy out there who is having confidence issues, wants to improve your dating life or just wants to get better at talking to women in general, I would highly suggest this program. The Elixir of Eros program is a great way to get a leg up in your dating life.
Sneak peak of inside of Elixir of Eros Members Only section. Closest you’re going to find to a free download of the program.
Product Information
Company | Enrich Marketing |
Author | Mark Wright |
Category | Dating & Inner Game |
Release Date | November 2016 |
Format | Ebook, Video, & Audio |
Whats Included
Elixir Of Eros
The Pursuit Institute
Friend Zone to Sex Zone
X-Ray Vision
Facebook Seduction
Only You
The Online Attraction Formula
Speaking Womanese
Tinder Secrets
The Hookup Handbook
Text Game Mastery
(*Bonuses only applicable when purchased through button below)
Buy Elixir of Eros now for $67.00 + 9 bonuses:
Money Back Guarantee According to Website
“By ordering today, you risk nothing. You have everything to gain. Try The Elixir of Eros for 60 days. Make the girl you want chase you. Watch as she seduces you and falls for you. If you love the product, simply do nothing. If you don’t, send us an e-mail and get a 100% hassle-free refund.”
“I’ll try out everything in the Elixir of Eros, and I’ll examine everything, I’ll use what I wish and if for any reason at all I want a full refund, I can send Mike an email… or call him on the phone, and get a full refund, no questions asked. I can speak to a live person, from 9.00am to 5.00pm EST, Monday – Friday who will promptly refund my entire purchase if I’m not happy for any reason whatsoever.”
“Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.”