Texting a girl? Here’s How to Keep it Interesting

If your date is more than a few days away: or if you’re in the early stages of dating, you’re going to need/ want to occasionally get in touch with the girl.

You need to strike the balance of communication just right in order to maintain attraction but not overwhelm her.

Texting every day would be way too much: texting once a week probably too little to maintain enough interest on her part to see you for another date.

So keep the text ratio generally 1:1: breaking this only if you’ve had a few days of space in between your texts and she’s still replying consistently.

Now that I’ve banged on about how often to text a girl; here are a few neat pointers about how you can keep the interaction going.

1. Give them something to do:

I once knew a guy who kept a colouring book and crayons on his

coffee table for ‘lady friends’ to play with when they came over. Now it’s not that women have the brain power of pre-schoolers but what they do like is an activity that is focused on them and that is fun. Creating texts that involve MMS, or are formatted in an original way to give a girl something to ‘fill in’ should prompt a response. Just make sure you then move on from the raw data to something more conversational:

You: Weekend score sheet: please complete. Number of drunken adventures . . . Friends that made you laugh . . . Hours taken out to chill out . . .

Her: Number of drunken adventures 0 Friends that made you laugh 3 Hours taken out to chill out 0 

You: Well glad to hear a girl has great friends: but other scores are shameful! We’ve got to change that. Starting with the drunken adventures: mojitos or daiquiri?

And hopefully now you’re setting up an impromptu date.

2. Play a game:

Game playing, and having fun are key to building smiles, positive associations and investment from the girl you’re texting. Try re-inventing ‘old school’ games for text to have a fun little exchange. Just remember not to drag it out for too long: a couple of texts back and forth then arrange another time to meet in person or speak over the phone:

I’m bored—let’s play a game. I spy, with my little eye, something beginning with B . . .

3. Say what you see:

Current affairs, the weather, the funny incident that happened to you in the street today are all great fodder for a reason to contact. Bring up something topical: or suggest what she should be doing in the sunshine as a means to stay in touch, whilst keeping it relevant.

Also try to be even smarter and make the text focused on her by using the magic word, ‘you’. This usually adds a more teasing element to a text. Used like the example below it also suggests that you have standards for the people entering your life . . . and that you won’t settle for anything less. This is an important process (that I’ll discuss more in the next section) also known as ‘qualification’:

Yikes have you seen the news today? I won’t be impressed if you’re not a current affairs kind of girl 😉

4. Your life is AWESOME:

Knowing your own self worth is vital in having success in every aspect of your life. Before I go on a rant about the importance of knowing how great you are though: I just want to focus on how this relates to Irresistible Texts.

If you suggest—through your texts—that you’re the kind of guy that has a fun, exciting, unusual life you are selling your lifestyle to her. If you feel you have a great life, and project that, she will want in. So keep your text filled with unique details to comment on, like this one:

My three most recent googles: ‘Dirty knock, knock jokes’, ‘corrupt corporations’, ‘translate ‘PIXIE’ into Cornish’. You?


If you think the girl you’re texting is into you then you can drive her insane (with desire of course) by pushing the responsibility for conversation on her. Say you’ve been doing a great job of ‘playing it cool’, and the girl you’re texting always replies with lightening speed i.e. the number is very hot. Then use a generous amount of . . . to get them to fill the blanks, and keep investing: or say something that will engage their curiosity. A text like the one below after a period of giving the girl you’re dating space is likely to make her: a. Really anxious b. Have a strong emotional reaction that makes her even more invested in the outcome of your relationship c. Text you back.

Aren’t you going to tell me off?

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